Two Minute Entry

Monday, April 9, 2007

Okay really quickly, and bulleted for your convenience, here goes:

  • The Comcast tech came out today and we have our Internet back! Wahoooo!!! I hate not having the Internet at home. It makes me miss the dorms. Oh beautiful T3. ::sigh:: But I've got my Internet back which means I don't have to stress about staying late on campus to do stuff. Excitement!!
  • The roomies and I decided to go see Shooter on a whim last night because we realized that the 3 of us weren't going to be free on the same day for like the next year or something. It was a good movie, I highly recommend you go see it! I'm not too much of a blood, guts, and gore person but it was tastefully done if nothing else. Plus Mark Wahlberg is a hottie, that's always fun to look at. We didn't see ourselves in the crowd scene although we certainly did squeal with excitement. It was a bit surreal but it seems like we've come full circle. Being extras that day was the first time that the three of us had done something as roommates and then six months later we're sitting they're watching it. A sentimental moment if you will.
  • Our pet bunny, Grommit, is CRAZY! He's recently developed this ridiculous habit of nudging his water bottle up and out of the holder so that it falls on the floor outside of the cage. It's fine when we're there and can replace the bottle but sometimes he does it in the middle of the night and when I wake up in the morning I'll find him staring at the water bottle on the floor. And then when I replace it he sucks the life out of it. Odd little guy.
  • This week is ridiculous. I've got work, MCAT classes, PSP Chapter Meeting and Meet Night #1, more work, museum trips, projects to work on, a Metabolism quiz, Oliver Twist to go see with Michelle, a meeting with my Pre-Med advisor, and then Tri-Beta Induction on Friday. I love being busy but wow, this is just a tad bit insane. At least falling asleep will be easy.
And this entry took wayyyy longer than 2 minutes...I'm off to the PSP Meeting!

Until next time...


Al said...

I want your bunny... he sounds absolutely hysterical.

Oh... and as for the site links: under layout in settings, you can add page elements. It's part of the links category, and there you can select to add other blogs. Brian told me how and I've basically been adding every element I can... I'm going for the style more than substance appeal since my life isn't that amusing to write about... haha...