
Thursday, April 12, 2007

I'm probably the only person in the world who seems to enjoy being busy. This week has already been crazy and based on my planner (a suprisingly useful tool for time-management--invest in one!), I don't have a free moment until the end of April...and weirdly enough, I don't mind! Being busy keeps my mind occupied which is a good thing because I should be exercising as many of those neurons as possible. Neurons die if you don't use them, as I learned in my Human Physiology class. So you might as well use 'em while you've got them because neurons also have this unique ability of not being able to regenerate. The things you learn as a Bio major.

Rush events for the frat (Phi Sigma Pi) start next week and once we have the Pinning ceremony for our new Initiates, the Rush term kicks into full swing which means Kate and I (as the Initiate Team) get our lives launched into overdrive. We've had a ton of kids come to our Meet Nights, moreso than we expected so I'm psyched to have a large Initiate class and to help shape the future of our Frat. Yes it's going to be a ton of work but I'm confident we can handle it. Plus all of the Brothers are super supportive of us and I know there'll be people to catch us if we do somehow trip up along the way.

Tomorrow (today) is actually a relatively calm day. After work I' m going to a poetry reading on campus that Drexel's Writing Program is sponsoring. Two poets, Sarah Vap and Forrest Gander, are going to be reading their works. I've never read their stuff before and while I certainly couldn't write a poem if my life depended on it, I have a deep appreciation and admiration for those who can. Anyway, the entire shindig is totally free and open to everyone and I psyched about the fact that it's mostly contemporary poetry--it's easier for me to relate to. The other exciting part is that I'm going to the reading with my buddy who just went on co-op this term...it feels like I haven't seen her in forever (okay, like 2 weeks) so it'll be a pseudo-reunion of sorts. We're officially poetry buddies now--this is the third reading we'll be going to. Last quarter we went to a "reading" given by Thylias Moss who is probably one of the most unconventional poets you're liable to meet. The Writing Program is really good about bringing in all sorts of writers and poets that you otherwise probably wouldn't have a chance to meet.

After the reading, the roommates and I (collectively referred to as the Triumvirate) are going to go see a production of Oliver Twist. I've been humming "food, glorious food" underneath my breath for the past week or so because that's how excited I am for this play. My third grade class put on a production of it and as far as I can remember, we put on a pretty awesome show for being 8 years old at the time. Okay, so maybe I'm biased, but whatever. Oliver Twist hasn't been in my life for the past 13 years (crikeys, I'm old) but tomorrow he'll return! I feel sorry for my roommates already--they probably won't be able to shut me up once I start singing after the show is over.