Please Write My Folks And Throw Away My Keys..

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Yesterday, Jess' mom took the three of us roomies out to lunch at Rembrandt's as a pre-emptive celebration of Jess' 21st. Rembrandt's is up in the Fairmount district by the art museum but I had never been there since I don't usually venture into Northern Philadelphia.

The restaurant was quite literally a half a block down the road from the Eastern State Penetentiary. For all of you non-Phillyites, ESP, is one of America's oldest historic prisons and a historical landmark in Philadelphia. Al Capone was once incarcerated there too. It hasn't been in use since the 1970s but rumor has it that it's haunted by the ghosts of past inmates apparently it's been around for awhile. Don't know how true the ghost thing is but a couple of years ago, MTV's FEAR filmed an episode there. And apparently Ghost Hunters come out to visit a lot. Every Halloween, ESP has this huge "Terror Behind The Walls" haunted house experience where you go on a tour of the place and then get the bejeezus scared out of you. PSP went last year but I had an exam or something the next day and opted out of it. Hopefully we make another trip this year. And if you're really into ghosts, there's a company down in Olde City that does Philadelphia Ghost Tours around Halloween as well. THAT was a fun-night (also another Frat event).

Anyway, back to Rembrandt's--great place! The top floors of the place overlook the Philly skyline. I didn't get to see because we opted to sit outside and enjoy the weather. I got this chicken sandwich thing whose name I can't remember, let alone pronounce, and it was pretty delicious. They've got a whole bunch of salads, appetizers, and entrees on their lunch/tavern menu that are pretty affordable. Jess and Michelle opted to split one of their wood-oven pizzas and this crazy looking spinach crepe. Good times were had by all--hopefully we get to go back someday.

And now I've got a ton of work to finish before I head off to, count 'em, THREE, different PSP Meetings. I'm clearly head-over-heels in love with my Frat. What other reason could I possiby have for giving up my Sunday evening?

Until next time...


Brian said...

The link for the Eastern State Penetentiary doesn't work. I just wanted you to know so that you don't look like a tool. I mean you already accomplished that, but you will never win!