
Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Today in Foods, our professor was listing a whole bunch of sugar alcohols and I glanced down at my gum wrapper only to realize that all of those alcohols were ingredients in it. Nifty coincidence I suppose.

On to more relevant things. This is a rush term for Phi Sigma Pi which is the co-ed (yes, you read right) National Honors Fraternity that I joined last Spring (yeah Sigma class!). Rush terms are always fun but they're also kinda hectic since we have so much stuff going on. This term I'm the Assistant Initiate Advisor so basically I'm there to guide the pledges along the entire process. It's definitely going to be a lot of work but I really wanted the opportunity to get more involved with the frat since I'll be going into my senior year in the fall. I like that PSP isn't your typical social frat but it isn't a hardcore nerdy frat either. We have our fun but then we also do a lot of scholarship, service and fundraising events as well. We just started brainstorming event ideas at our meeting yesterday so I feel like this is going to be an awesome term. Plus the Brothers are in general, just awesome, dynamic people. It's always a trip with them. Next weekend we're going down to the University of Maryland for their PSP Chapter's annual Volleyball tourney. I can't play volleyball for my life but I'm going to stand on the sidelines and cheer my head off for our Chapter (Gamma Xi). Road trips are pretty flippin' sweet after all.