My Room Has Great Acoustics...

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

...but that is not the point of this entry.

::sings:: I've got so much work to do. Doo-dah, Doo-dah. I've got so much work to do all the doo-dah day!

I'll be the first to admit that I am totally used to the quarter system and it's fast pace by now. However, as my classes get harder, being used to the quarter system doesn't do much to soothe my concerns about getting good grades. I've got two quizzes and two midterms this week followed by one next week, another the week after, and two midterms the week after that. Whooo welcome to the quarter system! 10 weeks does not give you much time to slack off but at the same time I enjoy it because you get to experience more in the same amount of time as other kids who go to semester schools. For example, I get to have 3 new sets of classes every year while most students only have 2. It keeps life interesting. Instead of being stuck in the same classes for 15 weeks, I'm done in 10 and then I can move on. Plus, since our spring break comes after the end of winter quarter, it is an ACTUAL break. Most students at other schools come back from spring break and have to take midterms the following week. (I heard plenty of complaining from the Penn kids in my MCAT class about this subject). And generally, the quarters seem to fly by. My junior year is actually quite a blur to me right doesn't seem like I even lived through winter quarter. I'm already a senior by credits and if I really, really wanted to, I could graduate a quarter early. (But I'm not going to because I'm in no hurry to leave Philly). High school seems so ridiculously far away, although I still remember it well. But now I'm closer to my college graduation than I am my high school graduation. BIZARRE.

So yes. The quarter system. Learn to love it and manage your time accordingly and you'll be a-okay.

Until next time...