
Saturday, April 14, 2007

Oy, my allergies picked a great time to kick back into gear. My eyes were so itchy today that I could barely stand to keep them open...forget about even trying to put contacts in.

The Tri-Beta induction went off rather smoothly this evening. We have now officially been installed as the Omega Sigma chapter of the Beta Beta Beta National Biological Honors Society. Exciting! Dr. Murasko, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences even came out to the ceremony and made a speech which was awesome because she's normally always so busy with her work.

After the ceremony a bunch my good friends and I (I refer to us collectively as the Betas) went back to Crossings to hang out for a little bit. Then the hunger pangs kicked in and we all went to Pizza Rustica where we scarfed down two pies in record time..I even bumped into my friend Andrew who apparently works there. Small world I suppose.
His life is so exciting--he's going to Paris in August (through Drexel) to study and work for there for nine months. Study Abroad is such an exciting wasn't feasible for me to do for a variety of personal reasons but how many opportunities do you really get to immerse yourself in another country for a prolonged period of time?? I know a bunch of kids who have spent a quarter (or more in London). One of my friends that I met this year who is a Digital Media major is actually doing the first half of her co-op for a WebDesign company in Northern Jersey and then going to Dublin, Ireland for the second half of her co-op. I'm quite literally green. No pun intended ;)

Anyway, back to the was our first genuine reunion outside of class in quite sometime and it was quite lovely. I <3 those kids a whole lot. They make the whole being a Bio major bit so much more fun because they're usually ridiculous times a 1000. Again, I've had major luck with making the friends that I have made in college. There's really nothing more that I could want than good grades. And guaranteed acceptance to med school of course. Clearly, I'm a dreamer.

I've gotta hit the sack now because I'm going Paintballing with the Betas tomorrow!! There was a vendor that came to Drexel in February who was selling $5 paintball tickets. The field is in Pottstown which is about 45 minutes away from here and all we actually have to do is buy our paintballs. I've never done it before but I'm sure it's going to be super messy, if nothing else. We've been amped for this trip since February so hopefully it's all gonna be worth it. Hopefully I get my energy back by tomorrow...this week has sucked the life out of me. Although seeing the Betas today definitely made it better.