
Thursday, April 26, 2007

EDIT 3:13 a.m. I'm kinda tired from all that studying. Fortunately, Michelle stayed up too because she was working on her own paper. All-nighters are always easier when you've got someone to keep you company. Roommates= awesome.

That's what I SHOULD be studying right now because I have a Metabolism (Biochem) midterm tomorrow. Thankfully I've already reviewed my notes so I'm not freaking out too much. I just need to make my study sheet that we're allowed to bring with us and I should be good to go. I hope.

I just finished eating Chinese food with Michelle while we watched the first half of Sweet Home Alabama. We ordered off of which is probably one of my most favorite websites ever because you can order food from a million different restaurants on it. So basically if one person's in the mood for Chinese and the other wants wings you can both order from separate restaurants and the food will show up at your door. No cash = no problem because they take credit cards too!! It's pretty flippin convenient. Now that all of us opted out of getting a meal plan, we order out like once every other week or something. It's a nice break from cooking dinner.

I'm going to be SO relieved after this midterm is over tomorrow. I've got a Tri-Beta meeting and then a bunch of us are going out to dinner, and after that my friend is having a party so I reckon we'll head over there. Saturday I'm taking a Full-Length MCAT (I can hardly contain myself), going to lunch for Jess' birthday, and then in the evening going to Lock-In. Sunday I'm probably spending all day studying and then it's just a whole bunch of PSP from 630-whenever.

Back to the books!

Until next time...