I Can't Think Of One

Monday, April 30, 2007

I'm such a good/crazy roommate that I stayed up with Michelle and kept her company as she pulled her all-nighter. Well, I did some work too but I certainly didn't have enough to the point where I needed to pull an all-nighter. I did fall asleep on her floor sometime around 4 a.m. so I guess it wasn't a full-fledged all-nighter on my part.

C.A.B. is sponsoring a whole boatload of events in the next few weeks and I would SO be at all of them if my responsible student conscience wasn't getting in the way of me having fun. There's a paintball trip this Saturday, laser tag sometime next week, and then a Phillies game, a Riverdance performance, and SPRING JAM! And those are only the few that I can remember. I actually already know who's playing at Spring Jam (one of the perks of working for the Triangle) but I can't divulge it yet for fear that I might get tarred and feathered. ;)

Okay, off to PSP. Enjoy what's left of this gorgeous day!

Until next time...