I Traced A Way To Fall

Monday, April 23, 2007

The weather is absolutely amazing today. So much so that I think I'm currently in love with Mother Nature and Father Earth. According to Weather.com, it's 81 degrees outside right now. Delicious! I wish I was out there myself but I've got a Tri-Beta meeting in roughly 20 minutes and I'm pretty sure that once I go out I'm not going to want to come back in. They turned the fountain on in the Quad this morning so I sat and watched it for a bit because I got to campus early for my 10 a.m. class. I really want to see it at night when the lights change colors..perhaps some other time.

I've got two midterms this week which is a bit of a drag because they're on Thursday and Friday. Way to prolong the agony ya know? I guess it's good in the sense that I have more time to study for them, which I'm definitely going to need. I'm not too concerned about my Foods one but Biochem is likely to give me an ulcer before the week is up. Figuratively speaking of course. My stomach's mucosal lining does a pretty good job of protecting me against chyme.

::end geeky Bio major moment::

Last night was Upsilon's class Pinning ceremony for PSP. 25 Initiates got pinned in what turned out to be a shorter than normal ceremony and then everyone chowed down on an ungodly amount of food because it was a potluck dinner. It went off without any hitches which made me glad. Now we just have to get through the next seven weeks and arrive safely at Induction. ::fingers crossed::

Until next time...