A Casual Line

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I'm currently on a break from studying for my Evolution test tomorrow. It's such a dry topic that doesn't hold my interest at all, which makes studying doubly hard.

Today was an adventure...after sleeping through the alarm that I had set for 5 a.m. I woke up at 6:13 a.m., freaked out for roughly three seconds and then leaped out of bed to study for my two quizzes. I gave the term "cramming" a whole new meaning. And I had some choice words for my alarm clock and my subconscious ability to ignore it but we won't get into that here.

In spite of my frenzied panic, I got to school a whole half before I was supposed to meet my professor (I was a crazy speedwalker today). Yes, I'm crazy like that. Most Indians operate on Indian Standard Time but all of my friends joke that I rebel against my Indian upbringing by being a hour early to everything rather than an hour late. It's true I suppose. If I'm not there early, chances are something's gone awry. Today was my loooong day of classes, five in total, 9-11, and then 12-3. It's doable provided I nourish myself during my breaks. After class I went to work and after work I went to meet my roomies and one of our other friends, Regina, for a quick dinner at Cosi's. They've had these awesome coupons in the Triangle which basically lets you buy 2 sandwiches for the price of 1 so we were all over that! One of the skills you develop as a college kid is the ability to find discounts or free food wherever you go. It's very a very valuable skill to have, trust me. Cosi's was too short for my liking and then I headed off to MCAT class which led to a grand total of 8 hours of class today. I'm a tad bit tired to say the least.

I forgot to mention that YESTERDAY was free cone day at Ben & Jerry's! I've gone every year since I've been at Drexel and I love it. Yesterday was a bit low-key since it was windy and it wasn't exactly ice cream weather but I dragged Michelle out with me and we waited in line for a mere 20 minutes before getting the most awesome flavor of all--Chocolate Fudge Brownie. YUM. So once we had dessert we came home and made a bangin' chicken teriyaki/stir fry dinner. Regina came over too and the three of us just hung out and chilled. It was one of those "I'm happy on the inside" kinda days..I love when those happen.

And now I really do have to get back to studying. Tomorrow is liable to be longer than today. Class 930-11, 1230-2, work 2-4 p, group project at 5, candlelight vigil for VA Tech at 6, Rush Night#2 at 730, Special Meeting at 9. Sometimes I wonder what my house looks like in the afternoons.

Until next time...