There's So Much Sun Where I'm From..

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

...actually, no there isn't. It's a cloudy, rainy day here in Philly..So I guess my title is just a bunch of wishful thinking. And a little bit of Jack's Mannequin. They're flippin' amazing.

Today was a "running around like a chicken with its head cut off" kinda day. We FINALLY got the charter for our Chapter of the Tri-Beta National Biological Honors Society--the first of its kind at DU. We're such dorks but I love it! I'm pretty psyched about this because we've been working on this since last Fall. Anyway, the Induction ceremony is next Friday and there are about a million things to take care of like the room reservations, food delivery, making sure that all the necessary faculty members are going to be there and all that jazz. I don't mind it so much, I just want it to be done so I don't have to worry about it.

I put down my deposit for the Phillies-Yankees game in two weeks! I'm wayyyy too excited for that. Not only are the teams from my two hometowns playing each other but it's totally FREE! I <3 the Honors much free stuff. I'm working on convincing Michelle to come with me but she said she'd only go if I went to the ballet with her. I need to think about this...

Classes have been pretty routine so far. It's only Day 3 of Spring quarter so my stress levels are pretty low. For now at least. I've got Genetically Modified Foods, Metabolism, Evolution, Nutrition, Developmental Psychology and Archaeology on my plate. It actually seems kinda scary when I write it out like that, but oh well. It seems doable for sure, provided I manage my time right. I actually have to go to Penn's Anthropology museum next week for my Arch class so that I can start my paper about Amarna and Egypt. It's about time I went--between having an Anthropology major for a roommate and having a good friend who is all about Egyptian pride I need to go see for myself what all the fuss is about.

Until next time...