Hunger Pains in the Honors Lounge

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

In the best news ever, I just found out that CAB (Campus Activities Board) is sponsoring a paintball trip!! Twenty bucks for tickets AND you get free transportation there and back. If life doesn't get in the way, the Betas are rounding up and heading out again...should be awesome. Especially since this time we'll have some tiny idea of what we're supposed to be doing.

There's also supposed to be this sweet laser tag event in the Quad tomorrow which CAB is also sponsoring. Apparently they're going to set up a large inflatable dome and teams of 5 are going to go against each other. All in the middle of the flippin Quad!! I won't get to actually partake in it due to a combination of classes, work, group projects and meetings but I definitely want to go take a look at it if I can.

My stomach is GROWLing right now so I think I'm off to the lunch trucks. I <3 Drexel's lunch trucks...there's six million of them. (Okay, I lied, more like 10) But they're pretty cheap and oh-so convenient when you want to grab something quickly between classes.

Until next time...