Dinner Choices

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Wow, I just had the worst time of my life trying to log back into this thing. Not cool Blogger. ::shrugs:: Maybe I'm just technically impaired.

The Honors Lounge is quiet for once. Kinda scary because this place is always full of people, which is usually a good thing. Now that I live off campus I pretty much live in the Lounge in between and after classes. You can't beat free printing. And good friends of course.

I should probably get home and make dinner. That might be kinda hard to do considering the fact that we haven't gone grocery shopping since we got back from spring break. Not to mention it's Passover which means that Michelle can't eat like 90% of life. I feel like if you can live through Passover a low carb diet wouldn't be a problem at all. I could never do it though. I scarf down rice like it's my job. Which technically, it is, considering that I'm Indian and all that good stuff.

I was actually surfing around an Indian archaeology website yesterday (for class) and I discovered some pretty nifty things. Like the first school of medicine was founded in India. And so were some of the first surgical techniques. And we were the richest civilization in the world until the British felt the need to invade. We also calculated the value of pi, invented the zero, and determined how long it takes for the earth to revolve around the sun. How's THAT for impressive?

Hah, Michelle just called and told me that it was 50 cent ice-cream cone night at Ross Commons today. So maybe we'll just eat ice cream for dinner. I <3 being a college kid.

Until next time...