
Monday, April 16, 2007

Wow, clearly some divine Force took pity on me because the start of this week wasn't as horrible as I had anticipated. Since Archaeology got canceled, I took care of some stuff for PSP and then stopped at Wawa for a quickie dinner and headed off to MCAT class. I take Kaplan's MCAT class because there is a Kaplan center on 40th Street which caters to Penn and Drexel students. They offer a whole bunch of prep classes for college kids such as the LSAT, MCAT, DAT, OAT, GRE, etc. The classes are usually held on Penn's campus which is roughly a block southwest of Drexel's southern borders. So in other words, a very short, convenient walk. Drexel students also get to use UPenn's library which is actually quite massively beautiful. I really need to go in there one of these days to explore...

Anyway, I got to Williams Hall where class usually is and as it turns out there was some sort of scheduling error and all of the classrooms we usually meet in were occupied by Penn classes. It took about twenty-five minutes for a building supervisor to come by, but even then we were told that we'd have to wait for one of the classes to leave before we could use the room. At this point the 10 of us were pleading with our TA to cancel class. Apparently it's a crappy week for everyone because while the Penn kids were complaining about having Orgo midterms, Kelly and I were doing the same about our Biochem Quiz, Evolution Test, GMF Quiz, and Nutrition Lab.

Anyway, long story short, she relented and we got to leave. I got home by 7 p.m. which was exciting because it gave me a chance to get ahead on things. It's not that I purposely enjoy missing class...but I was relieved to have the extra time to get other school work done. My claim to fame amongst my circle of friends is that I have never missed a single day of class at Drexel. Yes, you heard right. I absolutely, positively refuse to miss class for any reason whatsoever. Last May, my friends decided to take a Thursday off and take advantage of the weather by heading down to Stone Harbor to go the beach. And as tempting as it was and as much as I did not want to sit in my Statistics class I didn't go with them. Whoo for not succumbing to peer pressure. I could never not go to class..I'd feel too guilty about wasting my time instead of learning which is the whole reason I came to college in the first place. Plus I overall just see it as as a waste of tuition dollars to skip class without a good reason.

So moral of the story? Don't skip class kids! It might become a dangerous habit once you start it.

That said, I'd like to take a moment of silence for the 33 students that were killed at Virginia Tech this morning. It's such a senseless heart goes out to them and their families. There's a chapter of PSP down at VA Tech (Alpha Rho) and unfortunately one of their Initiates is still unaccounted for...I wish I could do something for my Brothers but I guess I'll have to settle for keeping them in my thoughts for now =[