Under The Weather [hah, no pun intended]

Monday, April 16, 2007

Yeah so I picked my most stressful week of the quarter to get sick. Awesome. I think it was a combination of running around in the woods for 7 hours, and then working in the rain yesterday. So anyway, yes I'm not likely to be my cheerful, upbeat self this week and I apologize in advance. I've got six million things to do this week including two exams and two quizzes so the way I see it, I need to conserve as much energy as I can before I keel over. Actually, that sounds a bit dramatic...oh well. I've got to shower, chow down, and head to campus for class.

And you know how they say every cloud has a silver lining? Well, my Archaeology class just got cancelled...and it's the last one of the day. SCORE!