"There's Libraries In The Computers!"

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The title of this post was a gem uttered by my friend Molly this morning. She meant to say that there are computers in the libraries but I suppose insane amounts of time spent on our presentation for Biochem fried her brain. ;) About half the Honors Lounge burst out laughing when she uttered that this morning.

Speaking of which, the Honors Lounge just got renovated and it looks super-spiffy in here! It's amazing what a new coat of paint and some new furniture will do for a room. The place actually looks bigger and everything seems spacier and brighter. Next week the Lounge is getting a new printer which is blessed news for all Honors students because the old one is wheezing it's way to a slow death. For those of you who don't know, if you are a member of the Honors College you get free printing in the Honors lounge...it comes in handy especially when you need to print out lecture notes, papers, or other stuff for class. I tend to live in the Lounge these days since going home in between classes is rather pointless for me since I live off campus. It's a happy place (most of the time at least) and when you've been around as long as I have, chances are you'll always bump into someone you know when you walk into it. When it was closed for renovations we were all kinda at a loss for where we should go. Plus you're guaranteed to hear the most random conversations in here. Right now I'm accidentally-on-purpose eavesdropping on a conversation between two guys who are criticizing Postmodernist thinkers. Go figure.

Today I'm doing a phone interview with a professor at Drexel's College of Medicine (DUCoM) for an article I'm writing for The Triangle. He pioneered this new laprascopic surgical technique in which he goes through the bellybutton to remove the person's gallbladder. It pretty much leaves no scar at all. Pretty nifty I'd like to think, although I'm not entirely sure how one can remove a gallbladder through a belly button. So that's in about a half hour and I have to stop by the office and grab a tape recorder for the conversation. I'm kinda nervous because it's the first time I've done a phone interview but hopefully it'll turn out okay.

Until next time...