
Friday, June 1, 2007

I just had to get in a quick entry about how awesome today was. Classes were routine but all the stuff that happened in between was awesome. For lunch, Michelle and I paid a visit to the Caf because we were getting nostalgic for our younger years at Drexel. We convinced Mary Kate (another one of the DWCs) to accompany us so that was a pleasant surprise. There's an actual ice cream machine in there now so I topped off my meal perfectly with a cone full of Edy's Chocolate Chip. DE-LICIOUS! After that I had some group project work to take care of for my Genetically Modified Foods class and then I hustled home. Tony (one of the Frat brothers) made Michelle and I dinner (steak and mashed potatoes) which was freaking AH-MAZING! And then a bunch of us went down to Franklin Fountain which is right by Penn's Landing down in Olde City. Franklin Fountain is basically a vintage ice cream place which has amazing confections. Three of us split the Mt. Vesuvius sundae which was chocolate ice cream, fudge brownie pieces, hot fudge and malt powder all combined in a gigantic fast food carton. SO good.

After that sugar-rush we all hopped a train back to campus to see the Drexel Football Team's last improv comedy show of the year. Drexel doesn't actually have a football team so the name is a play on our history. It was my first time seeing them but they were hysterical! Stein Auditorium was packed to the point where people were sitting in the aisles and standing in the back. Anyway, that was awesome and after it was over a whole army (okay, like 6 of us) walked back home on a balmy summer night.

Can't ask for a better day than that!

Until next time...