"A" meaning from and "Capella" meaning the facehole

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Last night was 8 to the Bar's Spring Show that I attended with three Ambassadors (Mary Kate, Andrea, Vanessa). For those of you who don't know, 8ttb is Drexel's only male acapella singing group. They're pretty awesome actually and last night was no exception. It was their tenth anniversary concert so it seemed like they were especially good. Their music is pretty varied...in one night I heard Guster, the Beatles, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, and Coldplay just to name a few. I think my favorite is their rendition of "Fix You" by Coldplay. The guy on lead vocals sounds so much like Chris Martin that it's kinda creepy. Also in attendance were Remixed, which is a group of acapella singing alumni and the Treblemakers which is Drexel's only female acapella group. My friend Trish sings for them so I had to make sure to scream extra loud for her. One of their newer songs is "Buttons" by the Pussycat Dolls and the best part is when one of the girls ties a bandanna to her head and gets up to the mic to rap as Snoop. Pretty hilarious actually.

Anyway, it was a fun night...you can never complain about being subjected to 2.5 hours of Acapella sung by cute guys. Alas, today, reality has struck and I'm going to go lock myself in the Honors Lounge in a little bit and bang out three papers. They're all in various stages of completion so it shouldn't be so bad.

Until next time...