Grand Slam

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Today, after braving an ungodly amount of traffic on 76, a bunch of us went over to my friend Priya's house for an end of the year barbecue. Mind you we were jumping the gun a little bit because our Finals (we're all Bio majors with the same classes) aren't done until Friday, but whatever! My stomach is full of awesome food...most notably the super charred hot dogs. I'm not sure why they tasted so good--they were completely black. We went over to the local middle school and played tennis for a couple of hours which we've been saying we were gonna do since last year some time. Anyway, that was a blast..I hadn't played tennis since last summer but I picked up a racquet and it all came back to me. Made me realize how much I missed it. Hopefully I'll get to play some when I go back home.

Speaking of which, I reallllllyyyy do not wanna go back home for the summer. That makes me sound like a horrible person but I feel so settled in Philly and I adore all of my friends here...the Betas, the kids in Admissions, my Frat brothers...all of them. Plus my roommate just happens to be my best friend so my living situation cannot get any better. Which is why I'm kinda hating the prospect of leaving all of them for three months.

College really is all about the people you meet while you're there...the best advice I can give to anyone who's starting college in the fall is to go out there and meet new people and make friends; it's the only way you'll feel like you fit in somewhere. Be a part of something. I know shy people don't exactly relish the thought of walking up to perfect strangers (and trust me, I would know) but it's all worth it in the end. After all, the best way to have a friend is to be a friend. And mine are freaking awesome. :-D

Until next time...