
Wednesday, June 20, 2007

So I'm back home in Long Island and I swear I started missing Philly as I was still walking to 30th Street Station to catch my train. It's silly but this was definitely my best/most favorite year at Drexel and so it kinda makes sense that I didn't want to leave. I got to know my PSP Brothers so much better, my roommates are awesome, the Betas are crazy, and there's a lot to be said for the Drexel "Wrecking" Crew. ;) The amount of beach trips and summer shenanigans that I'm missing is far too depressing for my taste. In fact I made everyone promise to call me and put me on speaker phone if they ever got together as a gigantic group. I'm such a sap.

Of course a lot of my friends from high school are back home but it's harder to see them now since they're in the city and I've moved out to the suburbs and have no car. I'm feverishly working on the car thing though so hopefully within a few weeks one will materialize. Or else the only human interaction I'll have will be with my parents...not the greatest thing ever.

I just got through 10 chapters of MCAT Studying (Gen Chem + O-Chem, GROSS) so I'm about to take a break to go shower and grab some lunch. As much as I hate it, the lack of social distractions here is probably good for my studying habits. The test is in about 3 weeks so it's crunch-time.

Until next time...