"We Really Should've Practiced Mountain Climbing"

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

...says the answer to the brainteaser on my Mensa Puzzle calendar.
It was a cryptogram of sorts relating to the infamous Jack and Jill. I'm pretty horrendous at Cryptograms so I skipped straight to the answer.

ANYway, the reason I'm up at such an ungodly an hour on a day when I have no class is because it is officially FINALS Week...woo-hooooooooooooooooooooo.

Or not.

In the spirit of studying and getting an early start, I told Michelle (my roommate) I'd walk to the library with her in about an hour. (Sidebar- the Library is open 24 hours during Finals Week; if I was still living on campus, I'd probably be sleeping there). Lucky her, she's going there to actually work whereas I'm going to hole up with my Nutrition textbooks. Even luckier of her, she only has one final and it's on Friday. Arghhhh. I love her to death but I usually tend to get the "why me" complex around Finals time because she never seems to have to stress about hers while I practically give myself ulcers everytime around. My other roommate (Jess) is on co-op so she's just been chillin' the entire term. Lucky girls. In any event, I'm shooting to make Dean's List again this quarter so hopefully that pans out for me. It'd be a marvelous way to end a rather non-tumultuous year.

In any event, Friday is my light at the end of the tunnel. My final ends at 10 a.m. and there will be an awesome fountain dunking to be had, after which the Betas are going to lunch (I think). Then I'm heading down to South Street with Michelle to do some early birthday present shopping for her and at night we're going to a show at World Cafe Live. That's Philly for you...always something to do if you know where to look. =)

Until next time...