How Lucky Am I To Have Someone Who Makes Saying Goodbye So Hard

Monday, June 25, 2007

Greetings from home! Life around here has been pretty low-key. Transitioning back home for the summer is always weird. You're at school for 9 months, living a pretty independent life in between going to classes and hanging out with your friends and doing "other" collegiate things. (Feel free to take the "other" as you wish). But then you come home back to your parents' rules and regulations. It's kinda hard to swallow, especially now that I'm 21. But I'm chugging along, mainly just studying for the MCATs. My great-aunt and uncle are here for the summer from India so I have to keep them entertained while the parentals are at work.

I'm missing Philly an insane amount, moreso than I predicted. Yesterday a handful of PSP Brothers went down the Shore to Ocean City and a bunch of them conference called me which made me the happiest person alive. It was great hearing their voices again although it made me miss them about a 1000x more than I already did. Like I said before college is all about what you make of it--the people you meet, the classes you take, the things you get involved in. I guess I'm really just missing how busy my life used to be in Philly. As sleep-deprived as I may have been, I wouldn't have done a second of it differently.

Until next time...