Awesome Weekend Recap

Monday, June 18, 2007

Saturday- PSP's Second Annual Scavenger Hunt
We split into three teams and combed the city from 12-5 p.m. for everything that was on our two page list. My Team was called "Team D" because when the four of us are in a car together the only thing we will listen to is Tenacious D. It seemed fitting, I thought. So that was an adventure. We walked from Penn's Landing all the way back to 20th Street in our attempt to find things and at the end of the day we were thoroughly exhausted. It took us 3 tries to find a Philly police officer who would let us wear his hat. We also had to find an Ontario license plate and after we unfortunately lost our first one in traffic we stumbled upon one out of nowhere on 19th Street. Emily and I were so excited that we ran across the street without paying attention to traffic. Oops. Good thing the light was red? In any event, we ended up coming in second place but that's only because Team Green Monster managed to find and take a picture with a homeless married couple which was worth a whopping 600 points. But it was still so much fun and at the end of the day no one even cared that they had lost. We cooled off with a celebratory run through the Fountain in the Quad. Excellent decision! That night some of the scavenger hunters hung out for a little bit. A very chill evening overall because none of us could stand on our feet at this point.

Went down to South Street with Michelle for some roomie bonding time. We got delicious Falafel at Mama's (between 6th and 7th on South) and after that we paid a visit to all the usual stops. It was a gorgeous day to be outside. On our way back to the train the grass at Independence Hall looked so inviting that we plopped ourselves down for a bit. Then we went to lay down on benches and ended up falling asleep for a good half hour. I woke up to find myself staring at a canopy of tree leaves. It was a very serene moment. A perfect one actually. I remember thinking that I did not want to move. We came back to watch the Da Vinci Code and then proceeded to make dinner at midnight.

My penultimate day here...I shadowed a D.O. (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine) at CHoP (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia) so I got to sit in on his clinic hours. It made me want to be a doctor all the more which probably means that I should get going with my med school applications. Tonight Michelle, Jess, Sarah, Regina and I are going down to New Deck for Happy Hour/Dinner and then tomorrow I head home.

Until next time...