Le Fin

Friday, June 8, 2007

Done! There goes my third year at Drexel. Today was the last day of classes and because two of my classes got cancelled, I was actually finished with my day at 1 p.m. Pretty sweet I'd like to think.

Best class of the day was Foods Lab. Our final consisted of telling him every principle that we learned in class that applied to making a pizza, and then we got to make an actual pizza! Excitement. Ours was supreme--loaded down with pepperoni, salami, peppers, onions, and mushrooms. Pretty bangin' if I do say so myself. We got out of lab early and because we had some time to kill before Metabolism we hung out in the Quad. A pseudo-waterfight ensued and we attempted to push one of my friends into the new Fountain but that didn't pan out as well as we had hoped. We're going to get him next week though, after our last final is over.

Tonight is Upsilon class' Induction into PSP!! This is super exciting, basically because it's the end of a long road for both the Initiates as well as the Initiate Advisors. After tonight I get to breathe easy...until Fall quarter when a whole new Initiate class comes in. But we can handle it. Kate and I = Team Awesome. So tonight eleven new individuals will be inducted into the Brotherhood. It should be good times.

Until next time...