Water=Best Stuff on Earth

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

So the quarter has been progressing at a fairly rapid pace. It certainly seems like my Junior year has flown by which is utterly bizzarre to me. But yes, we're now coming up on the halfway point of Week 7 which means I've got about 3.5 weeks of class left and then a week of Finals and then I head back home to New York for the summer. And then I get to take my MCATs and begin the Med School application process. Fun times. It's funny because Freshman year all I wanted to do was go home for the summer and now I almost wish I was staying in Philly because everyone I know is hanging out here. It'll definitely be fun to come back and visit though.

Some of the PSP Bros have a Jersey Shore trip in the works for Memorial Day weekend and that should pan out assuming that we get enough drivers. I really hope it does since I've never actually been down to the Shore before. When you're from NYC the only shore you need is Jones Beach or Coney Island. But it's great that Philly is in such a central location. Places like Ocean City and Wildwood are like two hours away. And then cities like NY and D.C. are also two hours in either direction. Pretty awesome I'd like to think.

Anyway, I've got 2 midterms to go study for so I'm off to do that. =[

Until next time...