In-Flight Radio

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

I pulled my second all-nighter in three days last night/this morning. Not enjoyable. As much as I make myself stay on top of my readings and my classwork, I have a bit of tendency to panic come midterm time so I stay up and I read everything over and over again until it stops making sense. Kinda counterproductive? Most people chalk it up to me being a nerd..which I guess is partially true.

I graduated from the Bronx High School of Science in '04 which just happened to be one of the most insanely competitive and top ranked high schools in New York City. You LEARNED to be nerdy there or else the competition would floor you. I took more honors classes than I can remember and 6 AP Classes but I know for a fact that there were people that did more. I remember how I used to get upset over 88s and 92s on my tests. Our senior year they couldn't even rank us because too many Seniors all had around the same G.P.A. So basically whatever work ethic I had in high school I carried over to college. It's helped to a certain extent but clearly I've had to become a lot more intense about my study habits in order to do well.

That said, I have an Evolution Midterm tomorrow that I ought to go study for. Shooting for that 4.0 this term but it's not gonna happen without putting my nose to the grindstone. (What does that saying mean anyway???)