Med School?

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

So today marked the day that I officially began the whole applying to medical school process. Tom Coyne, who is the pre-med advisor held an info session for all the kids who are planning on applying for admission to the Fall 2008 class. It was a bit overwhelming...there's a lot of stuff that needs to be done like filling out the AMCAS application, writing my personal statement, lining up recommendations, volunteering, shadowing physicians, etc. Thankfully we're pretty much told exactly what we need to and when it needs to be done by so it takes a bit of the burden off of us. The Steinbright Career Development Center (SCDC) provides a lot of resources for people who are looking to find jobs after graduation or need guidance in terms of applying to graduate and professional schools. If you're going to be doing a co-op while you're at Drexel, you'll be in close contact with the SCDC as you go through the co-op search and interview process.

Like many schools, Drexel doesn't have an official pre-med major. While it's true that most pre-meds are Bio majors you can pretty much choose to study anything and apply to med school as long as you have the pre-reqs, a year of Bio, a year of Physics, a year of Chem, a year of O-Chem, and a year of Humanities. In fact, there was one kid at the info session tonight who happened to be a Marketing major. You don't usually get a lot of business kids going into medicine, but to each his own I suppose.

In the end, it's crazy to think that this is all actually happening. College FLEW by. Junior year ends in about 3.5 weeks and then I'll have my last summer of "freedom" which is a very relative term before I dive headfirst into my senior year of COLLEGE. And then it's off into the real world and one step closer to what I'll be doing for the rest of my life. I can still remember my senior year of high fact prom was exactly three years ago this Sunday. The juxtaposition is all too bizarre for me.

But stepping away from the growing up bit for a second, I'm going to the Jersey Shore for the first time EVER this weekend! I cannot begin to explain how excited I am about this. A bunch of us (mainly Brothers) are driving down to Wildwood for the day on Sunday morning. I can't wait to get on the Boardwalk and stick my feet in the ocean (even though says it's only going to be seventy degrees). It's gonna be awesomeeeee!

Until next time...