
Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Brother Auction went really well. Even though attendance was sparse we ended up raising somewhere around $600 for the Linda Creed Breast Cancer Foundation. I ended up buying my own roommate which she yelled at me for (I paid $51) but whatever. My grandmother died of breast cancer when I was 10 and so this was the least I could do. We all spend money on ourselves all the time for the most ridiculous doesn't hurt to think about others for once.

Spring Jam was yesterday! I didn't get to go see Jack's Mannequin myself because I had a prior commitment but the Armory was teeming with bands and Drexel kids all day long. You could probably hear the music for a couple of blocks in every direction of the Armory. It almost made me glad that I live a mile off of campus ;)

It's 11 a.m. so I should probably go make my day a productive one. Gonna shower, grab some lunch, and then head down to the Honors Lounge to study and then meet with my group to work on our presentation about hemophilia. And then PSP meetings tonight. It's slightly funny how I spend almost as much time on campus on the weekends as I do during the week. Or maybe that's just sad? Depends on your vantage point I suppose. Oh wellp.

Until next time...