And Another Crazy Week Comes To An End...

Friday, May 18, 2007

Three more weeks left to spring quarter! I'm half excited/half sad about it. But at least it's Friday which is always an awesome occasion. Tonight is the Frat's Brother Auction. Brothers are going to be auctioning off their services (cooking, cleaning, driving, etc.) so that we can raise money for the Linda Creed Breast Cancer Foundation. I haven't actually been very involved in the whole planning behind this since I've had my plate full with Initiate stuff so I'm looking forward to see how it turns out. Hopefully it'll be a good night and a great success.

Monday, is Tri-Beta's first annual GALA! It's a pretty swanky, formal affair that's going to be held in our Grand Hall. We pulled it together in an impressively short amount of time so it should be bangin'. I'm excited for our centerpieces..keeping in mind that we are a Biological Honors Society, it's going to be a glass vase full of water with riverstones and sand at the bottom with a bamboo stick extending upwards and one little BETA fish floating around. How very appropriate right? I'm definitely going to snag one of those to take home. The only thing I'm not fond of is that I have to get dressed up for this shindig...I'm just not good at it! Heels and makeup and contacts..they all drive me batty. Fortunately there should be enough girls around who know what they're doing to save me from my fashion-reject self ;)

Have a good weekend!

Until next time...