Holiday from Real

Friday, May 11, 2007

Back home in Long Island today. It's a temporary respite from all the stresses and hassles of academia. The express trains were awesome today so it only took me a little over three hours to get back, most of which I spent napping. My pseudo all-nighters seem to be taking over my life. I study until about 2 or 3 a.m., give in to sleep, and then wake up at 5 to start all over again. Whatever does the trick I guess.

Today in Nutrition Lab, we made steak! There were a bunch of different kinds and they were all prepared in different ways and then we got to taste everything. Pretty awesome actually. Ahmed and I had to cook a London Broil and we were looking for differences between a thin piece of L.B. and a thick piece of L.B. So basically we took a gigantic rolling pin and smashed a piece of L.B. until it was quite thin. Awesome stress reliever! Kidding. I really do love that class's definitely unlike any other Bio lab I've had at Drexel. After all, we couldn't exactly eat the glowing Vibrio fischeri bacterial clones that we made in Molecular Bio lab. ;)

Until next time...