Gone Missing

Monday, May 7, 2007

Wow. Four days. That may be my longest absence from Blogger yet. Craziness!

In my defense, the last few days have been kinda hectic and my biggest concern has been finding the time to SLEEP. Sleep is definitely on my list of my top four favorite things to do. The others being eating, hugging, and showering (in no particular order).

But I digress. Friday night was the Frat's Ethnic Dinner, which was actually quite awesome and ridiculously filling. There was a TON of food and I ate until I couldn't move. Which is no small feat for someone my size. Saturday I did a bunch of school work and MCAT studying and met one of my old roommates for lunch. I sadly, did not celebrate Cinco de Mayo. My "academic conscience" got in the way. I suppose I should thank it in the long-run. Sunday was another Frat event, basically one large field day, after which point about 20 of us went down to New Deck Tavern for lunch. New Deck has the BEST cheese fries ever and it's a really short walk from campus so I highly recommend that everyone go. Plus, during Happy Hour, all appetizers are 50% off. So even if you don't drink, you can still go to get good food.

In other news, JACK'S MANNEQUIN is playing at this year's Spring Jam!!! I'm not entirely sure if I'm going to get to see them but the fact that they're coming is super-exciting to me. I've been in love with Something Corporate since high school so I'm all for Andrew's side project.

That said, I've got MCAT class tonight which I'm not really looking forward to and then an Anthropology exam to study for. So the daily grind continues but the silver lining is that I'll be done with my Junior year in roughly five weeks!