Sharpies Are Awesome

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Wow, this week has been crazy, just like the five weeks before it. But like I've mentioned before, I don't mind being busy. I do, however, not mind sleeping. That part is not cool at all.

So yesterday, Michelle informed me that CAB is doing a trip to New York to see Chicago! I got completely amped for it before I realized that it was the same as the CPR/First Aid Certification event that the Frat is doing. And as much as I want to see Chicago on Broadway, I've been wanting to get certified for an even longer time (it's a valuable skill to have) so something's gotta go. But in any event the Broadway trips are awesome. For $25 (at max $30), you get to see the show and you get a free roundtrip to NYC. The buses leave campus around 10 in the morning, and get to New York in time for the show. Once the show's over you can do whatever you want for the rest of the day until the buses head back to Philly around 6 or 7. You can't beat that deal at all! My sophomore year I think they sponsored a trip to go see The Producers. I didn't go on that one but I did go on the trip to Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum. Let's just say that we took a RIDICULOUS amount of pictures there.

In other news, it's positively BALMY in Philly. I think I might've got a tan just by walking home in the sun. I love this kind of weather can sleep with your windows open and without covers on. Summer = the greatest season EVER. And Grey's is on tonight! Thursday could not get any better.

Until next time...


Jeff said...

ooh! i wanna do the cpr cert.

Jeff said...

do we get to practice on a save me sally like I did in lifeguarding haha