I Need To Resume My Normal Sleep Cycle

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Seriously..for the past four days I've gotten in to the habit of going to bed at 3 and waking up at 6, all to study. And I've been crazy power-napping in between. Unfortunately some of those naps have inadvertently taken place during class WHICH IS NOT COOL AT ALL! So if anything, I need to resume my normal sleep cycle so that I can actually go to class to learn and not catch up on lost sleep. Because that's what the weekends are for.

I discovered an Indian grocery store in University City today! PSP is having an Ethnic Dinner tomorrow evening and we basically have to prepare a dish from our ethnicity/culture. Being Indian, I was in no shortage of food ideas but I had absolutely ZILCH supplies. Fortunately someone tipped me off to this little place on 42nd and Walnut and so that's where I headed to after my midterm was over. Well actually, before that I got sidetracked at Penn's bookstore. I initially went in there intending to pick up a copy of Galapagos by Kurt Vonnegut because I get up to 10 points extra credit in my Evolution class if I read it and write a 3-5 page paper. Score! Anyway I found the Vonnegut book easily enough and then I got completely stopped in my tracks by their new fiction display. Ugh. Books, and especially new books, are one of my hugest weaknesses. Last year, whenever I had the time I'd go to our bookstore in between classes and just plop down and read whatever I could get my hands on. This year I haven't had the free time do that and so now when I do get chance to step into a bookstore, I lose track of time. It's insane! So what I thought would be a 15 minute browsing session turned into two hours of reading a book called Girl Most Likely To by Poonam Sharma. It was definitely what could be termed "chick lit" but I always find it super amusing to read about the Indian-American diaspora. It's both rare and refreshing that you find Indian writers expounding on it with minimal restraint.

So two hours delayed, I made my way over to the store. It was an absolutely GORGEOUS day and everyone was out in full force in their flip flops and shades. There were a lot of wiffle bats out. A couple of frisbees, some footballs. Kids working on their tan. The entire scene just screamed college at me. Made me glad to be where I was. Anyway, yeah the store was awesome..I stepped in and I swear it smelled like the stores back home. I definitely breathed in a sigh of relief because I was back around food that I had grown up with. I realize that sounds utterly stupid but I'm in Indian food withdrawal. I just hope that this dish turns out well. We'll have to see how it goes!

Until next time...