Sunday, July 8, 2007

The Honors College has free tickets to High School Musical! Boo for not being able to go =[

I'm not a tech-kid in the least bit but I highly recommend that everyone go download Skype .It lets you make calls FOR FREE across the Internet to anyone who has a Skype account, an Internet connection and a microphone handy. So AWESOME. I told my mom about it and she's on the phone with India right now telling them about it. We have this sweet roof on our apartment in Philly and back in June my roommates and some of our mutual friends decided that they were gonna have rooftop nights, complete with coffee and citronella candles. They've got a Skype hookup and wireless Internet and now that I've got Skype I can totally partake in the rooftop happenings. Excitement! But they better call me soon or else I'm gonna fall asleep.

Until next time...