
Friday, July 6, 2007

So the MCATs are in exactly a week. In fact, by this time next week I'll be celebrating my freedom. Well at least until my scores show up. I'm kinda petrified, but then again I wouldn't be human if I wasn't. I'm gonna give them my best shot and that's all I can really do. Hopefully things turn out decently. Or else I'll be uber sad.

The beautiful part is that I'm going to get done before all the Harry Pottahhh (it sounds more British when you say it that way) mania starts. I'm not hardcore obsessed like others but I am a fan of the books and I'm eager to see how she decides to end the saga. I don't have Deathly Hallows preordered or anything but I figure people will read it so fast that it'll only be a few days before I can bum it off a dear friend. The movie comes out the day of my MCATs so chances are I'm going to see it soon afterwards. I got to see "Goblet of Fire" at it's midnight showing at the IMAX theater at the Franklin Institute. Twas definitely an experience because the screen is basically a gigantic sphere and the movie stretched out over it. You had to move your eyes back and forth to make sure you didn't miss anything. I left at 2:30 in the morning with a ginormous headache but it was still a good movie!

The Franklin Institute in general is one of my favorite Philly places--there's always so much to see and do. Last year the Honors College had free tickets to go see Body Worlds and being the Biology nerd I am, I spent over two hours in that one exhibit alone. It was pretty fascinating. And of course you have to walk through the Giant Heart every time you visit. Right now there's a huge exhibit about King Tut and Egypt on display (Honors had free tix for that too!). Definitely a great place to spend part of your day. The fact that it's walking distance from Drexel doesn't hurt either. (You can take the trolley too if you're lazy).

Until next time...