Shake Ya Groove Thing

Saturday, July 28, 2007

I've officially deemed this past Wednesday and Thursday as the best days of my summer so far. Why? Mainly because I spent them in PHILLY with some of the best kids in the world.

But let's start from the beginning-
My roommate/best friend, Michelle's, 21st birthday was yesterday. Originally I would've had to have missed her birthday because of family obligations. Which saddened me a great deal..I mean would you want to miss your best friend's 21st?? However, I can be devious when I need to and managed to plan this 2 day trip nearly a month in advance.

In any event, I didn't tell Michelle I was coming down. In fact for the past two weeks, everytime I talked to her, I was bemoaning the fact that I would have to miss her 21st and that I was feeling super guilty for being such a horrible friend. In actuality, I was pulling together a midnight surprise party for her. So I got to Philly on Wednesday morning, met with my 2 advisors about school stuff, and then pretty much spent the rest of the day hiding out at friends' houses and praying that I wouldn't run into her.

Anyway, long story short, she had gone over to watch a movie at our friends' house and they walked her back to our place at around midnight where about 12 of us were squished into her room waiting to surprise her. The look on her face was priceless, and even more so when she saw me because I hid behind everyone else until the last minute. Man, SUCH a good night!! There was cake to be had...I devised a fabulous recipe for a three layer cake that consisted of brownie, frosting, chocolate chip cookies, frosting, more brownie and then frosting all around. She loves Swedish fish so my friend Regina drew ocean waves on top of the cake and we made an aquatic looking cake. Needless to say, Michelle was pretty ecstatic. Gifts were opened and then a couple of us went to Cav's so that she'd get to have her first drink as a 21 year old.

Thursday I mainly spent the day hanging out with her but I also got to pay a visit to Admissions and see a couple of the DWCs that I sorely miss. At night we went out with a couple of PSP brothers to Riverdeck which is an open-air bar/club down by the waterfront. Another awesome night! We danced into the wee hours of the morning and our night ended perfectly as the last song played by the DJ was "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey. That's pretty much become our unofficial theme song I think. We fell into bed around 3:30 a.m. and I had to wake up at 6:30 so that I could catch my 8 a.m. train back to NY.

I'm pretty exhausted (6 hours of sleep between 2 days), but this trip was SO worth it, no matter how short it was. I got to celebrate my best friend's 21st with her and I got to see all the wonderful people that have made my college life as awesome as it's been. Nothing but love for Philly...I reckon ya'll made a great choice when you decided to come to Drexel.

Until next time...