
Friday, July 13, 2007

So I get to my MCAT test center this morning an hour before the test starts. I am always early to life (I defy Indian Standard Time) and today was clearly no exception to that rule. I go downstairs to find the place but all I see is a bunch of card board boxes. "Weird" I think to myself and then I decide to go explore the building. Can't find the place. I'm a tad bit panicky.

I go into one of the office's and I ask them where Thomson Prometric is.

"Oh, they're not here anymore. They actually moved out a while ago."

EX-cuse me?

"But I have my MCAT in an hour, where did they move to?!"

The secretary is already turning around to photocopy for me a copy of their new address. Meanwhile I'm hitting speed dial on my phone trying to catch my dad before he gets too far. Mercifully he picks up (he usually doesn't while driving) and I quickly tell him to come back. The lady hands me the new address and I call the Customer Service number and they tell me that I need to go to this new place to take my test. At this point I'm in freaking tears because HELLO, it's an hour before my MCAT and you just told me my test center doesn't exist. I go outside and sit on the steps and try to calm myself down but of course that doesn't work because my heart just went from 80 bpm to like 2000. At that point I call my best friend, Michelle, and miracle of all miracles she manages to get me to chill out somewhat (relatively speaking). My dad comes back and we peel away to other test center which thankfully is only a fifteen minute drive.

I get there and huzzahhh the test center actually exists at this place! I asked the guy at the front desk how long ago they moved and he was like "about four months ago." Come again?!?! You would think the AAMC or someone would have the sense to notify its test-takers that their test site doesn't exist and give them the new address. I signed up in March. They had FOUR months to let me know and they didn't. I so DID NOT need that freakout an hour before my MCAT.
And I wasn't the only one either. Kids came in after me and they were all like "I went to the wrong test center." Ugh. So I managed to get myself to fully calm down once I was signed in and fingerprinted and everything. And then I took the test. It was hard, but it's the MCATs. If it was easy, everyone would be a doctor.

And I'm done now which makes me ecstatic. Now I just wait for the next 6 weeks.