Dining Days!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Okay so yes I live a stone's throw from NYC (which I still wholeheartedly believe is the greatest city in the world), but I'm uber bummed about the fact that I'm missing out on University City Dining Days! =[

For those of you who don't know about UCDD, about twice a year around 20 normally pricey restaurants within University City offer amazing prix fixe deals at their restaurants. Depending on the restaurant you pay anywhere between $20-$30 a person and you get a full meal--appetizer, entree, and dessert. (Drinks and gratuity are extra). Plus there are a whole variety of restaurants to choose from- Thai, Mexican, Italian, Contemporary American, etc. It's a great and convenient way to eat at a place that your average broke college student wouldn't normally be able to afford.

The last Dining Days were held back in January, and a bunch of us went to Zocalo's, for my friend Trish's 21st. It's this cute little Mexican place that's pretty close to where I live and their margaritas are flipping awesome! So was their chocolate croissant-ice creamish dessert that I had. And we got all three courses for a mere $25/person. Pretty awesome!

SO, if anyone is going to be in the Philly area within the next week or so, you should definitely check it out! Dining Days are running from July 26- August 2. You can go to University City Dining Days to read up on some reviews or you can just check out the List of Restaurants. A lot of them require reservations since they tend to be pretty busy during Dining Days, so call them up and head on out for some awesome food!

Until next time...