
Friday, July 20, 2007

So my days are drastically different now that I'm not studying anymore. I've basically been going to the gym and lounging around the house these past few days and not writing my personal statement which I really, really, really need to get on. I bring new meaning to the phrase "Procrastinators Unite!...Tomorrow." I like the time off though. I went full speed at school for 9 months and hit the books again as soon as I got home so this is my first real break from all of that. Feels nice.

Today I'm going into the Village with my friend Danielle to do some shopping and then we're heading to the Barnes & Noble in Union Square for the huge Harry Potter Book Release Celebration that they're doing. It promises to be super intense. We're not staying until the actual midnight release but we figured it'd be fun to go and meet up with some of our other friends from high school. It's always fun seeing how everyone has changed over the course of the past three years and swap stories about who's doing what.

It's crazy to think I'm graduating Drexel next year...I even set up a countdown for it already--330 days left!

I still remember graduating high school though.. June 21, 2004- close to 700 of us kids plus parents, faculty, and speakers all in a swelteringly hot Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center in New York City. I remember feeling a whole lot of different things...excited at the prospect of starting at new place in the fall and anxious for the same reason, sad about leaving all these awesome friends to go our separate ways but determined to not lose touch with any of them. Three years later, on the verge of my senior year in college, I can see that I was a bit naive as a high school senior. I've lost in touch with a lot of friends, though not for lack of trying on my part. You go to college and you really do become another person..you change whether you want to or not and that takes its toll on relationships. It's sad to a certain extent but you need to chalk it up to the fact that life goes on and even the closest of friends can grow apart from each other.

Then again, on the flipside, there are some people that will always stick with you no matter how far apart you are and no matter how long you go without speaking to each other. Those are the kinds of friends you hang onto for life.

Until next time...