Tuesday, July 3, 2007

As much as I hate that I won't be in Philly to watch the Independence Day fireworks at the Art Museum, I'll still get to see some around here. Every year there's a big show out on Jones Beach and cars just line up and park for miles on and people lie on their hoods and stare at the sky. I haven't been there in some time now but my parents want to take my relatives out so I think I'm going to tag along. It sounds a bit loser-ish, a 21 year old college kid hanging out with her parents on the 4th of July but going all the way into the city to watch the Macy's fireworks is out of the question for the moment. Don't feel like having to deal with drunken folks on the subway ride home. I was in Times Square for New Year's Eve 2006 and getting out of there was INSANE. The entire ride home my only wish was that no one would puke on me. It was fun, but definitely a little crazy. New Yorkers know how to party, what can I say? =)

Until next time...