Yay Southwest!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

So I just booked my ticket to Chicago. I'm flying out on the 25th, shadowing in my aunt's clinic for a week or so and then coming back to New York on Saturday the 1st. THEN, on Sunday morning I'm going to wake up as early as humanely possible to leave for Philly and spend the rest of Labor Day weekend with some of my favorite people. It'll also be the last time all of three of us roommates are gonna be together before Jess heads off for study abroad in London. That part's kinda sad but I'll get over it. We already have dinner plans at Rembrandt's (awesome restaurant near the Art Museum and Eastern State Penitentiary) for Sunday night because we scored a $50 gift certificate to the place that only ended up costing us $20. I love all the crazy deals you can find in Philly.

The week after Labor Day my best friend Jess (yes, another one), is FINALLY coming home from her summer spent at Stanford, so I'll get to see her for the first time in nine months or something equally ridiculous. And then I'm going to D.C. to visit two of my other friends who go to GWU and Georgetown.

So let's just hope I don't die of boredom before then!

Until next time...