More Than You Know

Thursday, August 2, 2007

So I'm up to the twenty-seventh chapter in Deathly Hallows and the beauty of it all is that I don't even own the book. I do, however, have the uncanny ability to read and shop all at the same time/ SO while my mother spent what seemed like 8356379231 years in Target/Costco over the past four days, I've walked around the store with the book in my hands. It makes for shopping with her much more bearable. ;)

I'm excited for this weekend. My parents are throwing a super-belated Housewarming Party (we moved in October) for a whole bunch of people and I got to invite a couple of my friends too! Having them around might make my life a bit less stressful as it's always fun to have someone to roll your eyes at when other party-goers are acting ridiculous.

In other news, I'm going to Chicago for a bit at the end of August to visit my Aunt. She actually lives in Indiana and she's a OB-GYN so I'm going to get to shadow and help her out with her clinic which I'm super-excited for. I've done a lot of Pediatrics shadowing but never in a OB-GYN's office; I'm curious to see how different it's going to be. After that I might be flying straight to Philadelphia to spend Labor Day weekend there but nothing's definite yet. My friend, Emily, is turning 21 the week before so she might have some belated birthday plans in the work.

All in all, I can't wait to get back to Philly. This time it's likely to be kinda bittersweet because it will be for my final year, but still! I miss being around my friends 24/7 and doing all the other stuff that constantly kept me busy...classes, PSP, Admissions, the Triangle. Don't get me wrong, vacation is nice, but after awhile not doing anything gets supremely boring. It's going to be a kind of weird fall quarter because one of my roommates, Jess, is going to be studying abroad in London. So it'll just be Michelle and I in the apartment for the next 3 months; not that I'm foreseeing any problems but I'm definitely going to miss having Jess around.

Until next time...