
Sunday, August 12, 2007 Brand New. One of my favorite songs of the moment. You should listen to it.

Been slacking with the blog as of late, my apologies. I thought I had written more recently but apparently not.

My parents threw their Housewarming Party last Saturday and it went off pretty successfully. Thankfully Mother Nature decided to be nice and gave us a gorgeous, sunny day to have it in our backyard. Michelle and Sarah drove up from Philly to come which was exciting. They slept over too which was great because sleepovers are always fun.

This week has been pretty mundane. I managed to go and get myself a sinus infection (or at least what I'm assuming is a sinus infection-my doctor is out of town) so I'm recovering from that. Yesterday one of my buddies from high school had her annual summer BBQ so we had a mini-high school reunion. It's crazy to see how everyone's grown up and changed. We've all known each other for seven years and now we're a year away from graduating college. Unreal!

In more interesting news, I'm not going to be at home for the next four weekends which makes me incredibly excited. My schedule is as follows-

Aug 17-19: Buffalo
Aug 25-31: Chicago
Aug 31?-Sept 4: Philly
Sep 7- Sept 9: DC

Then I've got one last weekend at home, and the Friday after that I go back to Philly for school. Can't wait!

Until next time...