Senior Year...

Monday, August 20, 2007 only 34 days away!

As much as I enjoy not having to worry about school work during the summer (I'm a 4 year/no-op, a rare breed at Drexel), there comes a point where I tend to go a little stir crazy sitting at home. I reached that point roughly a month ago so I'm really looking forward to re-joining the madness in Philly. I don't necessarily miss the work but I miss the people like crazy, especially my roommates and my Brothers and the Betas.

I signed up for classes on Monday. I've got a full load (20 credits) this quarter which is kinda intense but after this quarter, things will get immensely easier. On my plate for the fall is: Gross Anatomy (we get to go on a field trip to see cadavers at Jefferson!), Biodiversity & Conservation, Embryology (with the best professor ever!), Applied Physics (blech), Ethnographic Methods, and Senior Seminar. The best part though, is that in spite of all my classes, I actually get Fridays off! That's almost unheard of for a Bio major because we usually have a combination of Mon-Weds-Fri classes and Tues-Thurs ones. I reckon I might just sleep all day Friday for the first few weeks and enjoy it. :)

Until next time...