Where Are You Living??

Thursday, August 16, 2007

I'm a day late with this but Housing Assignments have officially gone up!
Get excited!

To see where your home away from home for the next nine months will be:

1. Log into Drexel One with your User ID and Password
2. Click on the MyHousing link

From there you'll also be able to see who your roommate and/or suitemates (if you're living in Race Street/Van R) is/are. Find 'em on Facebook or get to e-mailing them so you can get to know each other and also figure out who's bring what to the residence halls come September.

I'm gonna take a quick sec to reminisce.

Back during my Freshman year (Sept 04), I was in a 6 person suite in East Hall. I got my Housing assignment by snail mail and I reckon it was kinda intimidating seeing all these strangers I was going to live with. Back then Facebook was non-existent at Drexel so all of us had to either call or e-mail each other. My roommate Casey called me and I was nervous at first but we ended up having an hour long conversation! We didn't actually end up living together in the end (she had decided she wanted to switch to a more traditional dorm and got switched to Towers) but we still ended up being great friends. She transferred to Vassar after freshman year but we still keep in touch. My replacement roomie actually turned out to be fairly awesome so I wasn't too crushed. I still have all the e-mails the six of us first exchanged trying to get to know each other..we sent each other pictures of ourselves (again, no Facebook) and then had a grand ol' time trying to figure out who was bringing what. I laugh at those e-mails now but back then they were pretty much my biggest source of excitement after all my friends up and left for school in August.

So moral of the story? Talk to your roomies and get pumped for your first year of college!
Only 38 days left til Fall term starts!

Until next time...