Nice Work...

Thursday, August 30, 2007

... by David Lodge is the name of the book I just started reading. I haven't really gotten into it though so who knows if I'll finish.

Greetings from the Windy City! We arrived here on Saturday morning and no joke, took THREE hours to travel THREE miles on I-94. Not fun at all. Indiana bills itself as being the crossroads of America but there's less traffic in Times Square and that's the freaking crossroads of the WORLD. Bah.

Anyway, on Saturday we went and did the touristy stuff- drove down Lakeshore Drive and then went up to the SkyDeck of the Sears Tower. Saw some Amish folk at the Sears Tower; made me miss Philly a bit. Sunday we went to Devon Street which is basically the Indian part of Chicago. Poked around there for a bit, had lunch and came back.
My aunt is an OB-GYN with her own practice here so I've been spending most of the week shadowing her. I got to listen to fetal heartbeats and see ultrasounds...pretty awesome and totally surreal at that. All the people out in Indiana are super nice. I mean I definitely wouldn't want a total stranger observing me if I was at my OB-GYN's office but all of her patients were totally cool with me coming into the room and watching. I'm crossing my fingers in the hopes that I'll actually get to see a Delivery but it's not looking too good since I'm leaving on Saturday morning. But there's always a chance that someone will go into labor in the next 48 hours so I'll just wait and see!

I'm sooo massively excited for this weekend and next week. I fly home to NY on Saturday night and then I'm leaving as early as humanely possible on Sunday morning to spend the rest of Labor Day weekend in Philly. My roommate, Jess, is studying abroad in London for the fall so I wanted to see her before she peaced out. I come back to NY on Tuesday evening, spend two days at home hanging out with my best friend who finally managed to come home from Stanford for a week, and then I leave on Friday morning for D.C. Wahoo!! Good times are to be had. :)

Windy City

Friday, August 24, 2007

Leaving for Chicago tomorrow!
Apparently the weather's been sucking there lately though. The hurricanes kinda walloped it. So here's to hoping that our flight doesn't get canceled/delayed/drowned/etc.

Don't miss me too much!

Senior Year in 30 days, 15 hours, and 13 minutes! Wahooooooooooooo.

Until next time...

Senior Year...

Monday, August 20, 2007 only 34 days away!

As much as I enjoy not having to worry about school work during the summer (I'm a 4 year/no-op, a rare breed at Drexel), there comes a point where I tend to go a little stir crazy sitting at home. I reached that point roughly a month ago so I'm really looking forward to re-joining the madness in Philly. I don't necessarily miss the work but I miss the people like crazy, especially my roommates and my Brothers and the Betas.

I signed up for classes on Monday. I've got a full load (20 credits) this quarter which is kinda intense but after this quarter, things will get immensely easier. On my plate for the fall is: Gross Anatomy (we get to go on a field trip to see cadavers at Jefferson!), Biodiversity & Conservation, Embryology (with the best professor ever!), Applied Physics (blech), Ethnographic Methods, and Senior Seminar. The best part though, is that in spite of all my classes, I actually get Fridays off! That's almost unheard of for a Bio major because we usually have a combination of Mon-Weds-Fri classes and Tues-Thurs ones. I reckon I might just sleep all day Friday for the first few weeks and enjoy it. :)

Until next time...

Where Are You Living??

Thursday, August 16, 2007

I'm a day late with this but Housing Assignments have officially gone up!
Get excited!

To see where your home away from home for the next nine months will be:

1. Log into Drexel One with your User ID and Password
2. Click on the MyHousing link

From there you'll also be able to see who your roommate and/or suitemates (if you're living in Race Street/Van R) is/are. Find 'em on Facebook or get to e-mailing them so you can get to know each other and also figure out who's bring what to the residence halls come September.

I'm gonna take a quick sec to reminisce.

Back during my Freshman year (Sept 04), I was in a 6 person suite in East Hall. I got my Housing assignment by snail mail and I reckon it was kinda intimidating seeing all these strangers I was going to live with. Back then Facebook was non-existent at Drexel so all of us had to either call or e-mail each other. My roommate Casey called me and I was nervous at first but we ended up having an hour long conversation! We didn't actually end up living together in the end (she had decided she wanted to switch to a more traditional dorm and got switched to Towers) but we still ended up being great friends. She transferred to Vassar after freshman year but we still keep in touch. My replacement roomie actually turned out to be fairly awesome so I wasn't too crushed. I still have all the e-mails the six of us first exchanged trying to get to know each other..we sent each other pictures of ourselves (again, no Facebook) and then had a grand ol' time trying to figure out who was bringing what. I laugh at those e-mails now but back then they were pretty much my biggest source of excitement after all my friends up and left for school in August.

So moral of the story? Talk to your roomies and get pumped for your first year of college!
Only 38 days left til Fall term starts!

Until next time...

Yay Southwest!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

So I just booked my ticket to Chicago. I'm flying out on the 25th, shadowing in my aunt's clinic for a week or so and then coming back to New York on Saturday the 1st. THEN, on Sunday morning I'm going to wake up as early as humanely possible to leave for Philly and spend the rest of Labor Day weekend with some of my favorite people. It'll also be the last time all of three of us roommates are gonna be together before Jess heads off for study abroad in London. That part's kinda sad but I'll get over it. We already have dinner plans at Rembrandt's (awesome restaurant near the Art Museum and Eastern State Penitentiary) for Sunday night because we scored a $50 gift certificate to the place that only ended up costing us $20. I love all the crazy deals you can find in Philly.

The week after Labor Day my best friend Jess (yes, another one), is FINALLY coming home from her summer spent at Stanford, so I'll get to see her for the first time in nine months or something equally ridiculous. And then I'm going to D.C. to visit two of my other friends who go to GWU and Georgetown.

So let's just hope I don't die of boredom before then!

Until next time...


Sunday, August 12, 2007 Brand New. One of my favorite songs of the moment. You should listen to it.

Been slacking with the blog as of late, my apologies. I thought I had written more recently but apparently not.

My parents threw their Housewarming Party last Saturday and it went off pretty successfully. Thankfully Mother Nature decided to be nice and gave us a gorgeous, sunny day to have it in our backyard. Michelle and Sarah drove up from Philly to come which was exciting. They slept over too which was great because sleepovers are always fun.

This week has been pretty mundane. I managed to go and get myself a sinus infection (or at least what I'm assuming is a sinus infection-my doctor is out of town) so I'm recovering from that. Yesterday one of my buddies from high school had her annual summer BBQ so we had a mini-high school reunion. It's crazy to see how everyone's grown up and changed. We've all known each other for seven years and now we're a year away from graduating college. Unreal!

In more interesting news, I'm not going to be at home for the next four weekends which makes me incredibly excited. My schedule is as follows-

Aug 17-19: Buffalo
Aug 25-31: Chicago
Aug 31?-Sept 4: Philly
Sep 7- Sept 9: DC

Then I've got one last weekend at home, and the Friday after that I go back to Philly for school. Can't wait!

Until next time...


Friday, August 3, 2007

Finished Harry Potter today!
I did all my reading over the course of the week at Target, Barnes & Nobles and Costco.
My mom had to do a lot of shopping for the Housewarming shindig we're throwing tomorrow and so everytime we went into any one of those stores, I picked up a copy and started reading.
So yeah, I read all 700 something pages standing up! That's true Pottah devotion right there.

Anyway, wow it's over.
I can't believe it. But it was such a good book! Even if it drag for a bit in the beginning. I won't say anything about it in case someone who's reading this hasn't read it yet. But I can't wait for the movie to come out! Three years. Ughhhh.

Until next time...

More Than You Know

Thursday, August 2, 2007

So I'm up to the twenty-seventh chapter in Deathly Hallows and the beauty of it all is that I don't even own the book. I do, however, have the uncanny ability to read and shop all at the same time/ SO while my mother spent what seemed like 8356379231 years in Target/Costco over the past four days, I've walked around the store with the book in my hands. It makes for shopping with her much more bearable. ;)

I'm excited for this weekend. My parents are throwing a super-belated Housewarming Party (we moved in October) for a whole bunch of people and I got to invite a couple of my friends too! Having them around might make my life a bit less stressful as it's always fun to have someone to roll your eyes at when other party-goers are acting ridiculous.

In other news, I'm going to Chicago for a bit at the end of August to visit my Aunt. She actually lives in Indiana and she's a OB-GYN so I'm going to get to shadow and help her out with her clinic which I'm super-excited for. I've done a lot of Pediatrics shadowing but never in a OB-GYN's office; I'm curious to see how different it's going to be. After that I might be flying straight to Philadelphia to spend Labor Day weekend there but nothing's definite yet. My friend, Emily, is turning 21 the week before so she might have some belated birthday plans in the work.

All in all, I can't wait to get back to Philly. This time it's likely to be kinda bittersweet because it will be for my final year, but still! I miss being around my friends 24/7 and doing all the other stuff that constantly kept me busy...classes, PSP, Admissions, the Triangle. Don't get me wrong, vacation is nice, but after awhile not doing anything gets supremely boring. It's going to be a kind of weird fall quarter because one of my roommates, Jess, is going to be studying abroad in London. So it'll just be Michelle and I in the apartment for the next 3 months; not that I'm foreseeing any problems but I'm definitely going to miss having Jess around.

Until next time...