Saturday, January 12, 2008

Happy 22nd to Me!
And Happy 21st to Nick while I'm here!

It's Here!

Monday, September 24, 2007


Almost There...

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Happy Start of Move-In Day!!

Because Sometimes I'm A Tool And Forget Things...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Shoutouts to: MaryKate, Dana, Pete, Priyanka, Steve, Kristin, Ken, and Alexa-- all of whom I bumped into in the Admissions Office when I was visiting last week.

And Happy Belated 21sts to Simon and Amanda~hope your days were awesome!

11 days til Senior year and 9 til I move back!!

"I Feel It In The Air, The Summer's Out of Reach"

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

So today is September 4th which means that in just a few short weeks, classes will be starting up again. I'm excited for's my SENIOR year! That's so bizarre to me. My roommate and I have had this thing going since freshman year where whenever we thought time was passing by so quickly one of us would say "we're graduating!"And now we're actually on the cusp of that. Surreal.

I'm actually in Philly right now as I spent half of my Labor Day weekend here. I'm glad that there's only a little less than 3 weeks left before I come back because I REALLY miss everyone here.

So that said, enjoy the rest of your uber long summer vacation and get amped for a new year at Drexel!

Until next time...

Nice Work...

Thursday, August 30, 2007

... by David Lodge is the name of the book I just started reading. I haven't really gotten into it though so who knows if I'll finish.

Greetings from the Windy City! We arrived here on Saturday morning and no joke, took THREE hours to travel THREE miles on I-94. Not fun at all. Indiana bills itself as being the crossroads of America but there's less traffic in Times Square and that's the freaking crossroads of the WORLD. Bah.

Anyway, on Saturday we went and did the touristy stuff- drove down Lakeshore Drive and then went up to the SkyDeck of the Sears Tower. Saw some Amish folk at the Sears Tower; made me miss Philly a bit. Sunday we went to Devon Street which is basically the Indian part of Chicago. Poked around there for a bit, had lunch and came back.
My aunt is an OB-GYN with her own practice here so I've been spending most of the week shadowing her. I got to listen to fetal heartbeats and see ultrasounds...pretty awesome and totally surreal at that. All the people out in Indiana are super nice. I mean I definitely wouldn't want a total stranger observing me if I was at my OB-GYN's office but all of her patients were totally cool with me coming into the room and watching. I'm crossing my fingers in the hopes that I'll actually get to see a Delivery but it's not looking too good since I'm leaving on Saturday morning. But there's always a chance that someone will go into labor in the next 48 hours so I'll just wait and see!

I'm sooo massively excited for this weekend and next week. I fly home to NY on Saturday night and then I'm leaving as early as humanely possible on Sunday morning to spend the rest of Labor Day weekend in Philly. My roommate, Jess, is studying abroad in London for the fall so I wanted to see her before she peaced out. I come back to NY on Tuesday evening, spend two days at home hanging out with my best friend who finally managed to come home from Stanford for a week, and then I leave on Friday morning for D.C. Wahoo!! Good times are to be had. :)

Windy City

Friday, August 24, 2007

Leaving for Chicago tomorrow!
Apparently the weather's been sucking there lately though. The hurricanes kinda walloped it. So here's to hoping that our flight doesn't get canceled/delayed/drowned/etc.

Don't miss me too much!

Senior Year in 30 days, 15 hours, and 13 minutes! Wahooooooooooooo.

Until next time...